Friday, April 25, 2014

Blog 19: Independent Component 2


(a)  “I, Stacy Peralta, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.”

(b)  EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT SURVEY 2012 from the northwestern Michigan college, and the EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION SURVEY 2009 from REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA STATE STATISTICAL OFFICE.Assessment survey from the National Institute of Standards and Technology and a leadership survey from UC San Diego Health System. 

(d)I conducted a survey on leadership in yearbook where I talked to at least 21 different people from different schools to help prove that my answers made sense 


The survey forced me to Talk to many different people that go to different schools that have different yearbook cultures . By going to all these schools I realized how different but how similar all these programs are. 
link to survey:
Data chart:

Most popular
 Least popular
What type of leadership does this class have?
teachers (with student involvement)
student (editors)
Teachers (with no student input)
I am ...
student (editor)
student (editor in chief )
How do you turn in the information in yearbook?

Wait until they're ready to speak up.
Your group is having trouble getting started. You have tried to make everyone feel comfortable. You have allowed time to get acquainted. Everyone seems interested and cooperative, but reluctant to speak up.
Make some specific assignments to different people and help them complete their assignments
Suggest that the group vote on what to do next.
Wait until they're ready to speak up.
The group is operating extremely well. Members get along well with each other. Discussion is lively. Everyone is contributing to the group. You want to insure tha t this continues.
Be sure agreement is reached on each point before proceeding
Keep the group firmly under your control or the group will lose its momentum
Reduce your leadership. Let group members lead the group as much as possible.
T he group has been very productive. Two or three members have done most of the talking and all of the work. Everyone seems happy, but you would like to make some changes so that more members will get involved.
Propose the changes. Explain why they are needed, then let the group decide what will be done.
Tell it like it is. Outline the changes and see that they are made
Don't do anything that might threaten group productivity
The group is working well and relations among members are very positi ve. You feel somewhat unsure about your lack of direction of the group.
Slowly assert yourself to give the group more direction
Ask the group if you should provide more direction, then comply with their wishes
Leave the group alone
T he group was going great, but now it is falling apart. Members are beginning to bicker. It is hard to stay on the subject. Someone has just suggested that maybe the group should take a recess for two or three months.
Propose a new course of action for the group. If no one strongly disagrees, make assignments and see that they are carried out
Let everyone have their say. Don't get involved
Take a vote on the suggested recess
Your group has completed an excellent discussion of a top ic they chose, but no one wants to take any action although several activities would be appropriate and each activity has been discussed.
Choose an activity for the group and make assignments
Suggest that the group move on to another topic. If no one disagrees, list possible topics
Just keep quiet until the group arrives at a decision.

How did the component help you answer your EQ? 

This survey help me concrete my answers by proving me data that I can use in the future to defend my answers. As shown on the chart above all the data just help prove my answers.  


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