Monday, April 28, 2014

Blog 20: Exit Interview


(1) What is your essential question and answers?  What is your best answer and why?
How can an editor-in-chief of a yearbook maximize the potential of their team to best meet deadlines? 

The 3 answers I chose was leadership, teamwork/bonding, and communication. I decided that team bonding would be my best answer because by having good team work you are more likely to improve your leadership and communication more naturally.   
(2) What process did you take to arrive at this answer?
I thought carefully and spent time talking in detail with my mentor Joan to come with this conclusion.
(3) What problems did you face?  How did you resolve them?
Some problems I faced in general is remembering to apply everything back to yearbook and making everything make sense. I had to conform my answers so everything applied back to yearbook . The nice thing is that yearbook is like a company so if you just forget that it is student run and that we don't make any profit then everything is essentially the same. 
(4) What are the two most significant sources you used to answer your essential question and why?
The most Significant source has   to be Joan she was indispensable in helping me complete this project as she gave me time to help analyze and apply her work to my work. The next best thing was The Communication Problem Solver: Simple Tools and Techniques for Busy Managers because it helped be early on to help me find the rest of my answers.  


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